You’ve probably scoured every beauty store and pharmacy and tried a whole bunch of products to find the one that best fits your desires, but did you know that you can concoct practically any product using ingredients you can find in your own home?

You’ve probably seen the craze over coconut oil in recent years! Coconut oil is a downright magical product you must invest in.
You can use coconut oil as a moisturizer, as its nutritious composition makes it very nourishing to the skin; and it’s also quickly absorbed.You can also use coconut oil on your hair after showering; giving it healthy nutrients as well as volume, and protection from frizz and heat from blow-dryers and hair irons.
Lastly, coconut oil possesses SPF properties, which means you can apply it on your day out at the beach, most notably on your hair and scalp, which are commonly overlooked.
You’ve always heard of all the health benefits that come from eating honey, but did you know that it is great for your skin as well?
Many people as well as experts swear by raw honey as the best face wash to use.It makes for a gentle and nourishing face wash perfect for those gloomy mornings. Just gently rub some raw honey on your wet face in circular motions, wash it off with warm water and dab-dry with a towel. It will leave your face nice and dry, without being too ashy. Alternatively, you can use it as face mask. Simply spread it on your face for 20-30 minutes before washing.

Aside from being a delicious treat, avocado has a whole range of benefits that spreads from health to beauty.
Avocado is quite rich in nourishment, making a perfect ingredient for hair, face, and body masks. After mashing the fruit into a paste, you simply have to spread it on your skin or hair, and leave it on for about 30 minutes before washing it off with warm water. If you’re using it for your hair, you can proceed with your regular shampoo and conditioner routine.
You can also add other ingredients to up your beauty game, such as coconut oil, honey, or –wait for it- eggs!
Speaking of which…
Eggs are one of the cheapest and easiest foods to prepare, and now we give you one more reason to love these oval-shaped bundles of goodness.
The most famous topical use for it would be the egg hair mask.All you do is whisk your egg, apply it to your hair, put on a shower cap, and leave it on for 30 minutes. This will leave you hair stronger, fuller, and healthier; it also helps it grow. However, when you’re washing it off, make sure the water temperature isn’t above lukewarm, otherwise you risk cooking the eggs in your hair.

Have you ever found yourself with greasy hair but were unable to wash it? You’ve probably resorted to your trusty can of dry shampoo.
If you took a long at the ingredient list, you are most likely to find of these 3 ingredients: baby powder, arrowroot powder, or cornstarch, along with some sort of fragrance and gas – that’s it.
Next time you find yourself with hair that’s building up on grease, reach for that box of cornstarch instead.Leave it on for 5 minutes to absorb the grease and brush your hair to distribute throughout.You can also add a few drops of any essential oil of your choosing to the cornstarch.
What most people don’t know is that baking soda is perfect for taking of your teeth.Simply dip your brush in baking soda and brush as you normally would. If you find the taste unbearable, try adding stevia, as it is natural, makes it taste sweeter. Also, you can mix it with –you guessed it- coconut oil to give it more texture and benefit. Coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which will leave your teeth, clean, fresh, and white.
Speaking of white teeth, you can mix baking soda with a few drops of lemon juice to make your own teeth whitener.

This aromatic staple is found in almost all Middle Eastern desserts, but it turns out that rose water is more than just flavor. Its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a wonderful toner for your face, as it cleans out your skin without irritation or dryness and evens out your skin tone and blemishes.
You can also put it in a spray bottle and use it as a face mist for a hydrating spritz that will get you refreshed and ready to go on with your day, not to mention the amazing smell it will give off – and yes, you can use it over your makeup. Exceptionally handy during these hot summer days!
Studies have shown that the average woman puts around 515 synthetic chemicals on her body, many of which are harmful and end up doing the exact opposite of what they’re intended for. So why not try a beauty regimen with ingredients that you can actually pronounce?
This list is made up of food-grade products that can do the job and that you would actually feel safe eating, which is way more than we could say about commercial cosmetics.