The Quinta Group, a pillar of Lebanese agriculture for over 50 years, is introducing a refreshing new variety to the market: the Galia Melon. Known for their dedication to innovation and development; they’re setting their sights on introducing Lebanese consumers to the unique characteristics of the Galia Melon.
The Galia Melon boasts several qualities that will make it stand out in the Lebanese market. Consumers can expect a delightful crunch with a long-lasting aroma, making it perfect for both sweet and savory dishes. Chefs, farmers, and average consumers alike will appreciate its versatility. While the Ananas Melon is known for its yellow flesh, the Galia Melon offers a vibrant green interior that stays fresh for extended periods. Its rounder shape and superior sweetness add another layer of distinction.
The Quinta Group isn’t just focused on domestic consumption. They envision the Galia Melon becoming a valuable export for Lebanon. The Galia Melon is more common in other markets, and has the potential to thrive here in Lebanon. It produces higher yields, with a size and shape ideal for packaging and efficient marketing.
The company is taking a strategic approach to introducing the Galia Melon. They’re collaborating with a local farmer to cultivate the new variety and establish connections with retailers in niche markets. This targeted approach will ensure a smooth introduction for the Galia Melon and introduce Lebanese consumers to this exciting new option.
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