• 100g bread crumbs
• 40g Pecorino cheese
• 20g finely chopped parsley
• 1 egg
• Garlic
• Salt and black pepper to taste
• Extra-virgin olive oil
• 50g almonds or pine nuts
• 50g raisins
• Bay leaves
• 2-3 lemons, sliced
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Clean the sardines removing the head, innards and bones; leave the tail.
2. To prepare the filling, mix bread crumbs, Pecorino cheese, parsley, egg, garlic, salt and pepper.
3. Place baking paper on a baking dish and drizzle with olive oil. Place a small amount of filling on every open sardine, then roll them closed (as shown in picture).
4. Arrange in a baking dish alternating sardines with bay leaves and lemon slices, then drizzle with oil and wine, salt and pepper. Place them in the preheated oven for 5-6 mins