- 400g crumble
- 2130g cream cheese
- 503g griotte
- 100g butter
- 140g sugar
- 100g almond powder
- 180g flour
- 200g crème fresh
- 2 pcs vanilla stick
- 180g lemon zest (3 pcs)
- 240g eggs (4 pcs)
- 400g cherry griotte
- 3g pectin NH
1. Shape the crumble using a ring.
2. Fill the cream cheese in the crumble shape and then bake it for 1 hour with 100ºC.
3. Place on the top brown sugar and burn it then spread the griotte on the top.
4. Mix all ingredients together until it looks like a dough.
5. Spread it on a stainless steel tray for 10 min with 180ºC temperature.
6. Wait until the dough is cold and then we place it in a thermo mix and remove it to put between 2 butter sheet.
7. Shape it until it becomes flat and we place it using a ring as a round shape with 5cm thickness.
8. Mix the crème cheese with the flour, crème fresh, eggs, vanilla and lemon zest.
9. Mix them until it become soft.
10. Fill the cake with the cream cheese until it covers the whole area till the top.
11. Bake for 1 hour with 100ºC temperature.
12. Warm the griotte. Add the pectin and the sugar, once they are boiling, add the lemon zest and stop the cooking.
13. Once the griotte is cold, spread it on the top of the cake.