- 100g cauliflower purée
- 100g cauliflower chips
- 10g basil oil (1 bunch with 100g oil)
- 10g caviar Oscietre
- 16 pcs coquilles St. Jacques, pan fried
1. Cook the cauliflower in milk, then drain and mix with some salt, pepper and a bit of fresh cream.
2. Start by heating the pan; season the coquille St. Jacques with salt and pepper, then grill for 2 minutes on each side.
3. Dress your plate by putting the cauliflower purée in round circles, add the coquilles St. Jacques and add the cauliflower chips on top.
4. Mix one bunch of basil with olive oil. Keep it on low heat for 5 minutes, then drain it.
5. Put a few drops of basil oil in between and place the caviar in the middle.
6. Garnish with microgreens.