Serves 4 | Prep/cooking time 2 hours

• 1 chicken
• 1 celery, carrot and onion
• Pistachio paste, to taste
• Fresh cream, to taste
• 60g whole peeled pistachios (not salted)
• 50g chicken consommé
• 50ml red wine vinegar
• 20 fresh absinth leaves
• 10g pistachio oil
• 17g vegetal gelatin
• Maldon salt, to taste
• ½ bunch of fresh absinth
For the pasta dough
• 150g granito flour
• 50g semolina
• 10 yolks
1. For the ravioli filling, cook the chicken in water with mire and poix for around three hours. Filter and keep the stock aside.
2. Take all the chicken meat and blend it. Add some fresh cream, some chicken stock, the pistachio paste and salt and pepper to taste to obtain a very smooth and creamy filling. Chop some fresh pistachios and add.
3. Roll out the pasta dough and make the ravioli.
4. For the chicken stock jelly: cook the chicken stock and reduce until the flavor is concentrated. Take 400ml and mix with 17g of “Sosa” vegetal gelatin. Pour it in a flat jelly tray and leave to set. Cut in circle at the same size of the ravioli.
5. Cook ravioli in salted boiling water for around 3 minutes. Dip it in warm red wine vinegar. Drain and put on the plate.
6. Plate the chicken jelly, with a pinch of Maldon salt and a few fresh leaves of absinth. Add a drizzle of pistachio oil and serve.