Launched November 2019, this premium extra virgin olive oil from Deir Mimas is originated from Deir Mimas, a beautiful small village coated with 600+ years old olive trees – It is an early harvest of exclusively non mature green olives, pressed in a modern mill and filtered.
A unique taste experience with a quite spicy aftertaste “Only for Connoisseurs”, Oleocanthal and Oleacein organic compounds are behind the peppery effect on the back of the throat, and the bitterness on the tongue.
While only 10% of EVOO’S produced in the world are high antioxidant, Darmmess 2021 enters the silver category of High Antioxidant Olive Oils with 620mg/kg of polyphenols.
In 2020, Darmmess was awarded the Gold Medal IOOC Italy and Silver Medal JOOP Japan “ For Connoisseurs”.
Available online and at gourmet shops in 500ml and 15kg tins.