Supporting your immune system and how not to gain weight during lock-down!

In this time, we only think about how to protect ourselves and our families. Scientists estimate that 40% to 70% of our population will be affected. Those with a chronic disease and low immunity face a greater threat. The question my patients, friends, and family are asking is “What can we do”?
We have two categories. The first is how to support your immune system, and the second is how not to gain weight. How to Support Your Immune System: “Let Food Be Your Medicine!” Eat whole foods, a nutrient-rich diet. Our immune system relies on whole foods to function well; focus on improving the quality of your diet.
- CUT OUT SUGAR Studies show that refined sugars suppress your immune system for hours after ingesting. Limiting starch and sugar will help your immune system function better.
- ENSURE ADEQUATE PROTEIN INTAKE Protein is crucial for immune function. Eat approximately 1 gram/kg or about half your body weight in grams of protein a day. Plant-based proteins (legumes, nuts/seeds) are adequate if consumed in enough quantity.
- ADD GARLIC, ONIONS, GINGER AND LOTS OF SPICES TO YOUR MEALS Garlic, onions and herbs such as oregano, turmeric, rosemary, offer antimicrobial properties.
- EAT MULTIPLE SERVINGS OF COLORFUL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES High in vitamins C, A, and phytonutrients they support the immune system. Choose more leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower), peppers, sweet potatoes, and squashes.
- ALKALIZE YOUR BODY Sugar and processed foods tend to make your body slightly more acidic and more receptive to the COVID-19 virus. Try making big vegetable and bone broth soups which can help improve your pH. Avoid soda and aim for low acidic Coffee.
- DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS Consuming adequate fluids (especially warmer fluids) supports all your bodies’ functions including the immune system. Drink soups and broths. Drink herbal teas like ginger and turmeric tea. Drink water with apple cider vinegar with the mother.
- GET SUFFICIENT SLEEP Aim for 7 to 8 hours a night.
- GET REGULAR EXERCISE Mild to moderate exercise (for approximately 30-45 minutes) helps boost the immune system.
There is an increasing number of health claims and the promotion of supplements has also increased in the coronavirus frenzy. It’s important not to go over and be sensible.
- Vitamin D
It boosts your immune system. It can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection I recommend vitamin D supplements, especially these days where we do not get much sun exposure. - Zinc Chelate
This mineral may offer both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Research suggests that people who are deficient in zinc have severe dysfunction in their immune systems, Taking zinc supplements reduced the duration of cold symptoms (cough, nasal discharge, and muscle aches). If you are a vegetarian, it is a great idea to start supplementing instantly. - Probiotics
70% of our immune system resides in the gut. That’s why taking probiotics helps boost your immune system. Probiotics are friendly bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, that are naturally found in the intestinal tract as well as in fermented foods. These friendly microbes help protect the body from disease-causing microbes. They also produce substances that keep the lining of the gut healthy, improving immune function. But not all probiotics are created equal. There are criteria for good bacteria to be considered probiotics, My preferred is MAXIFLORA. - Fish Oil
This old remedy for good health and immunity still stands true! - Glutathione
Research has shown that these compounds up-regulate the function of the innate immune system. This part of your immune system is the first line of defense against viruses and bacteria. It helps your white blood cells bind to and kill viruses and bacteria. - Mushrooms (Reishi and Chaga)
They enhance the immune function through its effects on white blood cells, which help fight infection and cancer. They have uniquely structured carbohydrates that help the immune system fight infections, including increasing the production of natural killer cells. - Ashwagandha
It has been used for thousands of years to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. It Boosts your immune system. Chronic high stress levels will weaken your immune system and cause chronic illness over time. Ashwagandha can help by modulating your stress response. - Echinacea
Perhaps the most well-known herb for immune support is Echinacea. It helps your immune system combat infections and viruses.That’s one reason why echinacea is often used to prevent or treat the common cold. Studies found that taking echinacea may lower the risk of developing colds by more than 50% and shorten the duration of colds by one and a half days. - Manuka Honey
A 2016 paper showed exactly why Manuka Honey may be important for your immune system. Not only does it have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, some research has suggested it may also have antiviral effects and might even help protect your body from flu. So keep taking the Manuka Honey. - Turmeric
Consuming turmeric improves a person’s immune response. This is due to the qualities of curcumin, a compound in turmeric.
Note: 1500mg daily if taken as supplement, also make sure it is always accompanied with black pepper (Piperine) to ensure its absorption It is a powerful anti-viral. It can be eaten raw, mashed or added to food. Mix chopped raw garlic with a tablespoon of Manuka honey and consume a clove every day after two to three days.
Bingeing during the coronavirus crisis as stress-eating and boredom increase through the lockdown. People are turning to emotional eating during this period for simple reasons: It’s calming, and solves boredom. So, how to stop the Open Mouth, Insert Food stress-snacking cycle?
- Create structure to your eating. Plan times to eat, meals, portions. Have a cutoff time for eating.
- Eat as many vegetables as you can. If we load up on those, we will have less room to fill up on junk. And even if we eat lousy food later, at least we know we ate some healthy stuff first.
- Always eat on a plate, not out of packaging, like from a potato chip bag. If you have to stand up to get a refill, you might decide not to bother.
- After eating, wait 20 minutes and do something else, such as meditating, watching a show or call a friend. If you are truly hungry after 20 minutes, have something else, but usually after 20 minutes, your body recognizes you’re full.If we all stay calm, avoid the fear, follow our common sense, and take care of ourselves and our families we can surpass this and reduce sickness and death.