Serves 4 | Preparation 60 mins Cooking 10 mins

- 30 No. 2 oysters
- 200ml fresh liquid cream
- 5 gelatin sheets (2 for the oyster cream and 3 for the ¼ L oyster jus)
- 2 carrots
- 1 onion
- 1 lemon
- 1 bouquet garni
- Peppercorns
- Spinach
1. Open the oysters, keeping the juices in a bowl, and remove them from their shells with the point of a knife.
2. Chill 16 oysters, wash the shells and set aside, scraping the shells clean.
3. Warm the cream in a frying pan, whisking well, and add the two pre-softened gelatin sheets. Mix with 6 oysters and coat the base of each shell with this cream, then allow to cool.
4. Once the cream has cooled and set in the base of the shell, add one oyster to each shell. Decorate the oysters with finely shredded spinach leaves and arrange slices of carrots, previously boiled in salted water, between them.
5. Mix the oyster juices with the gelatin sheets to obtain a light and even jelly. Whisk it and add the juice of one lemon.
6. Coat the oysters evenly and serve very cold over blanched seaweed.