Serves 10 | Preparation time 30 mins | Cooking time 5 hrs
500 g meat (beef or lamb)
500 g lamb bones for stock
40 kebbés
1 kg sesame paste (tahini)
1 kg oranges
6 kg Seville oranges (bousfeir)
500 g lemons
2 large onions
300 g cooked chickpeas
2 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves
Salt pepper
5 cup rice
10 cup water (about 2 l)
20 g butter
Place the meat, bones, whole peeled onions, bay leaf and cinnamon sticks in a pressure cooker. Pour water and cook for 90 min.
Meanwhile, squeeze all the citrus fruits then set aside.
In a large pot, whisk together the tahini and citrus juice as well as half of beef stock (from the pressure cook). Simmer gently, mixing occasionally until the oil comes up. This process takes time (up to 3 hours). The sauce should be thick, if needed add a few laddles of stock.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, and add the kebbés for about 20 minutes.
Add the kebbés and chickpeas to the sauce.
Remove the meat and onions out of the pressure cooker. Crush the onions with a fork and add them to your sauce with the meat. Add salt and cook for 15 minutes. Stir gently and constantly to prevent the preparation from sticking.
Use a large saucepan, cook the rice with butter, add 10 glasses of water (approximately 2 l) and let the water boil. Cover and let the rice cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
Serve the sauce and the meat with the rice aside and enjoy.
If the Seville oranges are not available you can replace them with 1 kg mandarins, 4 kg of bitter grapefruits and 3 tbsp. of yuzu juice.