Ladurée, the iconic French patisserie renowned for its delicate macarons and luxurious dining experiences, has debuted its first-ever Ladurée Coffee Shop concept. This marks the brand’s entry into the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. The new venture is also the brand’s fifth location in Saudi Arabia. It is situated at the bustling ROSHN Front in Riyadh.
This milestone was celebrated with enthusiasm by Ghassan Sakr, Country Head KSA at Ladurée by French Spirit Coffee Shop L.L.C. In a statement, Sakr expressed his pride in the brand’s expansion:
“We’re proud to announce the opening of the first Ladurée Coffee Shop concept in the GCC. This is also the fifth Ladurée location in Saudi Arabia at ROSHN Front, KSA.”
Designed to cater to the evolving needs of modern patrons, the Ladurée Coffee Shop offers a unique twist on the brand’s traditional café model. It provides a versatile menu featuring both savory and sweet delicacies. The experience suits every mood and occasion. Visitors can opt for a quick “grab and go” option or savor a leisurely dining experience. The ambiance reflects the elegance and refinement synonymous with Ladurée.
The opening at ROSHN Front represents Ladurée’s commitment to innovation while staying true to its French heritage. The coffee shop is set to become a popular destination for Riyadh’s residents and visitors. It combines the charm of a traditional French patisserie with the convenience of a contemporary café.
With this latest addition, Ladurée continues to strengthen its presence in the Saudi market. It is contributing to the country’s growing culinary landscape.
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