Serves 4 | Prep/cooking time 30 mins

- 300g Moghrabieh
- 700ml Chicken Stock
- 300g Chicken breast
- 1g Saffron
- 2g Paprika
- 100g Squid
- 100g Mussels with shell
- 185g Mix Bell peppers diced (different color)
- 15g Octopus
- 120g Tiger shrimps (4 pcs)
- 100g Monkfish
- 220g Tomato grated
- 75g Onions
- 2.5g Garlic
- 20g Green peas
- 20g Pomegranate seed
- 2g Coriander
- 1g Thyme
- 10 cl Olive Oil
- Salt
- Pepper
1. In a paella pan over low heat, heat the olive oil and color the chicken breast.
2. Remove the chicken and keep it on the side.
3. In the same oil, sauté the onion, add the moghrabieh until brown color.
4. Add bell peppers, garlic, grated tomato. Stir again. Pour the broth. Boil, add spices and herbs.
5. Add the chicken on the moghrabieh and cook the paella on low heat for 5 minutes.
6. Add the shrimp, squid, octopus, Monkfish.
7. Cover the paella with aluminum foil.
8. Bake the paella in a preheated oven at 160ºc for 15 to 20 minutes. Take the paella out of the oven; let it stand for 5 minutes before serving it.
To serve: Lemon wedges, Chopped coriander, green peas, pomegranate seed, olive oil