Pluck and cut duck; preferably dry aged in the fridge for two days on a rack to allow air circulation. Then truss the duck and stuff with lemon thyme or normal thyme.
Preheat the oven at 190°C. Place the duck on a bed of hay glaze using a brush. Roast for around 20 minutes until the internal temperature of the breast gets to 46-48°C. Allow the duck to rest for 10 min before carving; note that the internal temperature will rise up to 55-58°C. If you like your duck cooked all the way and not medium leave the duck roasting for another 5 minutes, making sure to glaze heavily every 5 minutes.
Using a mortar and pestle crush caraway, cardamom, coriander seeds, sumac and the juniper berries. Then add the pine in order to smash the wood and the needles into the dried spices. Bring the ingredients altogether to boil then remove from the heat. Cover the pot for steeping around an hour then strain the liquid into another pot.Reduce by half on medium heat. Once the base is reduced by half using a hand blender Monte the butter by adding small cubes of cold butter into the glaze. Once you are done adding the butter, the glaze should have a thick consistency that it sticks to the back of the spoon. Season the finished glaze with salt and white wine vinegar to taste. Any variety of herbs can also work.
After cleaning the mushrooms with a brush, cut the mushrooms. Start by roasting the hen of the wood and the hedgehog with some olive oil until they start to color. After that add the chanterelles and the black trumpet, do not stir the pan until the mushroom start to color and lose their moisture. When the mushrooms are cooked, season with salt and add 3 spoonfulls of the glaze and sauté quickly. Toss the herbs in white wine vinegar and olive oil and assemble the dish, topping the mushrooms with the flowers.
Chef’s Tip