500g whole Sole fish, cleaned
2 small broccoli stems
2 rods baby artichokes
30g purée artichokes
Edible flowers
Wild herbs
Mini fried girolles mushrooms
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
For the fillet of sole, sprinkle salt and pepper over the filet and brush it with olive oil. Grill on both sides for 4minutes each.
For the vegetable garnish, boil and sauté the broccoli stems.
Fry the mini girolles. For the artichokes, boil them and use the water in the purée preparation.
Blend the hearts with the boiled water, salt, pepper and olive oil in a mixer together until completely homogenized.
To serve the sole, decorate with the boiled broccoli, the mini fried girolles, the artichokes.
Garnish with edible flowers and wild herbs.