- Watermelon
- Spoon knife
- Short bladed curved carving knife
- Sushi knife
- Cutting board

1. Cut a small, thin, flat piece from the bottom making a flat base, stable when carving.

2. Using a small, curved knife, carve a circle at the other end of the watermelon.

3. Starting at the circle, gently cut out a shallow, upside down triangle into the fruit, puncturing it 1-2cm deep.

4. Remove the triangle-shaped excess. You’ve just carved the top of your petal.

5. Continue the pattern.

6. Outline the triangle cut 1cm down.

7. Cut across the edge from one triangle to the other.

8. Make smaller triangle-shaped cuts across the straight edge.

9. Remove the edge of the cuts with a cut across the whole watermelon.

10. Make a v-shape carving every 10cm across the watermelon.

11. Vary the line of the large triangle to make it slightly wavy.

12. Continue the same pattern.

13. Cut out a curved, petal-like shapes at the top of the watermelon.

14. Continue cutting out shapes until the top resembles a flower.