Meet Victor Delpierre, a world-champion barista, mixologist, and Coffee in Good Spirits winner. Hailing from France, Victor’s passion for beverages and his expertise have taken him to the forefront of the culinary world. Today, he collaborates with renowned chefs to craft extraordinary drinks—both with and without alcohol—while designing service rituals that elevate every experience. With a dedication to creating magical moments that leave lasting memories, Victor’s work is a testament to the artistry and innovation within the world of fine beverages.
What message do you aim to convey through your creations?
My message is simple: it’s all about appreciating passionate artisans and small producers who dedicate their lives to crafting exceptional products. I don’t follow trends just for the sake of it or try to create a buzz. For me, it’s about telling a story through a product and showcasing it authentically. For instance, the drink I created to open the Salon du Chocolat is ethical and sustainable, supporting chocolate-producing communities and reducing food waste. Each creation carries a powerful message, and that’s what I encourage others to do with their own work.
What is your favorite drink to make?
That’s a tricky question! If I had to choose, I’d say water is the ultimate cocktail — because it’s essential and can be enjoyed without moderation. But coffee is an ingredient that changed my life, so it holds a special place for me. I also love creating non-alcoholic cocktails. When you master a great non-alcoholic drink, adding a fine spirit can make it even more magical. So, non-alcoholic cocktails are my favorite to create.
What projects are you currently working on?
I’m fortunate to collaborate with amazing chefs who have their own exciting projects. As for me, I’m focused on continuing to support artisans in France and abroad, creating unforgettable moments, and promoting respect for the environment and producers. I’m also committed to sharing the knowledge I’ve gained with others, especially young people, to inspire them to pursue these incredible careers.
What advice would you give to young people looking to follow in your footsteps?
My advice would be to persevere, believe in your values, and work with conviction and determination. Most importantly, enjoy the process. This profession offers exceptional opportunities — I could never have imagined becoming a world champion or finding myself here in Dubai, collaborating on events like the Salon du Chocolat. It’s about staying open to the possibilities that come your way.