• 6 kg American turkey
• 250g butter
• 250 ml olive oil
• String and skewer to tie the bird
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 50g fennel
• 500g chestnut roasted & crumbled
• 500g country bread cut into cubes
• 250g chopped onions
• 250g chopped celery
• 1 ½ tbsp fennel seeds
• 1 tbsp chili powder
• 1 ½ tbsp lemon zest
• 3 sprig stems of rosemary leaves
• ½ bunch parsley finely chopped
• ½ bunch zaatar
• 100g butter
• 100g olive oil
• 1L chicken broth
• Salt and pepper to taste
Turkey sauce
• Chicken broth
• Demi glace
• Neck bones
• White wine
• 100g carrots
• 100g celery
• 100g onions
1. Wash and clean the turkey. Place on tray and let it dry.
2. For the stuffing, cut the bread into cubes.
3. Clean and remove the shell from the roasted chestnut.
4. Heat a pot on the fire; add the butter and sauté the bread. In the same pot, sauté the onions, celery and fennel. Add the fennel seeds, the herbs, lemon zest and chili. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Mix the crumbled chestnut with bread mixture. Check taste for seasoning again.
6. Wet the stuffing with chicken broth. Pat dry the turkey. Season with salt and pepper.
7. Stuff the turkey with the stuffing in the neck and back cavity area. Secure the stuffing inside the turkey with a skewer. Tie whole turkey with a string. Rub with butter and olive oil. Season with salt and
pepper. Place in preheated oven at 400°F, with the neck bone.
8. Keep basting the turkey every 15 minutes. Add mirepoix (mixture of chopped carrots, celery and onions) to turkey pot, one hour before it is baked.
9. The turkey should bake in 3 hours. (Note all ovens are different and have different cooking temperatures).
10. After 3 hours, the turkey should have a golden-color skin.
11. Remove the turkey from tray, and remove all liquid from roasting pan.
12. Place tray on fire, deglaze with white wine, add some turkey sauce.
13. Season with salt and pepper. Strain with a chinois and serve on the side with the turkey.